
Biomolecules are carbon based organic compounds that are produced by a living organisms . More than 25 naturally occurring chemical elements are found in biomolecules, but these biomolecules consists primarily of carbon (C) , hydrogen (H) ,nitrogen( N) , oxygen (O) , phosphorus (P) , and sulphur (S) .
         Biomolecules including both small and large molecules. The small biomolecules are low molecular weight ( less than 1000) compounds which includes sugars, fatty acids,amino acid, nucleotide, vitamin, hormones, neurotransmitter, primary and secondary metabolites. 
Large biomolecules which have high molecular weight are called Macromolecules and mostly are polymer of small biomolecules. These Macromolecules are protein, carbohydrates, protein and nucleic acid.
    Micromolecules                  Macromolecule  Sugars ( ex . glucose)        polysaccharide (ex. 
Amino acids                               protein
  Nucleotide                           Nucleic acid ( DNA 
Fatty acids.

        The polysaccharide are polymer of sugar molecules, having two major function.
1) they serve as energy yeilding fule store
2) they serve as extra cellular structural elements (ex. Like cell membranes) .
      Protein are polymers of amino acids and constitute the largest fraction of cell. It also call as buliding Blok of cell . These are also informational Macromolecule. Like it serves in formation of enzymes, harmones, antibodies and many more.
     The nucleic acid, DNA and RNA, are polymer of nucleotides . They store , transmit ,and translate genetic information.